Global presence means exposure to the unknown. Increased scrutiny by regulators brings increased risk of fines and reputational damage. Growing data volumes in different jurisdictions makes it hard for corporates to maintain visibility of their own organization and employees – and even harder to oversee third-party vendor operations.

FTI Consulting helps clients address their most pressing challenges in this area. Our global investigations experts help with due diligence on third parties and prospective joint venture partners, while FTI COMPLY, a web-based software solution for third-party due diligence, can automate data-related processes.

FTI Consulting’s User-friendly Solution

We’ve packaged our huge length, depth and breadth of experience into a single solution.

  • Customizable Platform: An interactive and customizable platform that allows companies to organize, track and centrally manage third-party relationships. A user-friendly interface compatible with various devices provides stakeholders with quick access to decision-critical information on the go.
  • Automatic Monitoring: An investigations tool that allows users to conduct due diligence research and analysis, and automatically monitors third parties against comprehensive risk databases.
  • Workflow Management: An adaptable workflow management function that organizes, reviews and controls the entire due diligence process to ensure a positive user experience.
  • Risk Profiling: A proprietary risk profiling methodology that can be customized to ensure compliance resources are utilized with maximum efficiency.
  • Secure: A secure, web-based solution, enabling personnel to collaborate with confidence across the globe in different jurisdictions.

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